File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 engine.hModule for the FileFinder application that searches for files
 ifilefinder.hInterface for the file finder engine
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 gui.hGUI for the FileFinder application
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 cli.hCommand line interface for the PswGen application
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 igenerator.hInterface for password generator modules
 module.hImplementation of the iGenerator interface
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 gui.hGUI for the PswGen application
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 istorage.hInterface for password storage modules
 module.hImplementation of the iStorage interface
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 gui.hGUI for the ScosTime application
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 app.hApplication interface implementation
 config.hEVaf configuration interface implementation
 event.hBase class for all the events
 eventqueue.hEvent queue interface implementation
 globals.hGlobal constants and macros for eVaf
 iapp.hEVaf application interface
 iconfig.hEVaf configuration interface
 ieventqueue.hEvent queue interface
 ilogger.hLogger interface for eVaf
 inifile.hClass for reading and writing parameter values in INI files
 inifile_p.hInternal implementation of the class for reading and writing parameter values in INI files
 iprop.hEVaf properties interface
 iregistry.hCommon registry for interfaces
 logger.hILogger interface implementation
 prop.hImplementation of the iProp interface
 registry.hCommon registry implementation
 util.hGlobal utility functions for eVaf
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 panel.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 iplugin.hCommon interface for all the eVaf modules
 ipluginfactory.hCommon plugin factory interface for all the eVaf modules
 pluginmanager.hManager for loadable modules (plugins)
 pluginmanager_p.hPrivate implementation of the plugin manager
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 version_rc.hGlobal version information for eVaf applications and modules
 exithandler.hExit handlers for the eVaf main executable
 main.hThe main eVaf CLI application class
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 exithandler.hExit handlers for the eVaf main executable
 fatalerr.hFatal error message dialog box
 main.hThe main eVaf GUI application class
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 winconsole.hFunctions to redirect stdin, stdout and stderr to a separate console on Windows
 factory.hLogView module's factory class
 logview.hImplementation of the LogView module
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 factory.hSDI module's factory class
 isdiwindow.hEVaf SDI window interface
 sdiwindow.hSdiWindow module's implementation
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules
 test.hEVaf test plugin
 version.hVersion information for eVaf modules