Common Directory Reference


file  app.h [code]
 Application interface implementation.
file  config.h [code]
 eVaf configuration interface implementation
file  event.h [code]
 Base class for all the events.
file  eventqueue.h [code]
 Event queue interface implementation.
file  globals.h [code]
 Global constants and macros for eVaf.
file  iapp.h [code]
 eVaf application interface
file  iconfig.h [code]
 eVaf configuration interface
file  ieventqueue.h [code]
 Event queue interface.
file  ilogger.h [code]
 Logger interface for eVaf.
file  inifile.h [code]
 Class for reading and writing parameter values in INI files.
file  inifile_p.h [code]
 Internal implementation of the class for reading and writing parameter values in INI files.
file  iprop.h [code]
 eVaf properties interface
file  iregistry.h [code]
 Common registry for interfaces.
file  libcommon.h [code]
file  logger.h [code]
 iLogger interface implementation
file  prop.h [code]
 Implementation of the iProp interface.
file  registry.h [code]
 Common registry implementation.
file  util.h [code]
 Global utility functions for eVaf.
file  version.h [code]
 Version information for eVaf modules.