20 #ifndef __PSWGEN_STORAGE_MODULE_H 21 # define __PSWGEN_STORAGE_MODULE_H 26 #include <Plugins/iPlugin> 30 #include <QAbstractListModel> 32 #include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase> 61 virtual bool init(QString
const & args);
65 virtual bool isReady()
const {
return mReady; }
106 virtual bool save(QString
const & name, QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<Storage::Data> data);
108 virtual QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<Storage::Data> query(QString
const & name)
110 virtual QAbstractItemModel * autoCompletionModel() {
return this; }
116 virtual int rowCount(QModelIndex
const & parent)
const {
return mData.count(); }
118 virtual QVariant data(QModelIndex
const & index,
int role = Qt::DisplayRole)
124 static char const *
const DbConnectionName;
127 static char const *
const DbName;
133 QMap<QString, QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<Storage::Data> > mData;
152 bool upgradeTables();
iStorage interface implementation.
Version information for eVaf modules.
bool COMMON_EXPORT init()
eVaf common library initialized
Module/library name (shall end with \0)
Module implementing the iStorage interface.
Common interface for all the eVaf modules.
Password storage interface.
Interface for password storage modules.