]> vaikene.ee Git - evaf/blob - etc/eVaf.xml
Ported to Qt5
[evaf] / etc / eVaf.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE eVaf>
3 <eVaf version="1.0">
5 <!-- Global properties and variables for the application.
7 Global properties and variables can be accessed using the eVaf::Common::iProp
8 interface.
10 Every property is defined as a separate <property> node with 'name' and 'value'
11 attributes. 'config' attribute can be used instead of the 'value' attribute if
12 the value should be read from a configuration file.
14 The 'linuxonly="yes"' attribute indicates that the property is initialized only
15 on Linux. The 'windowsonly="yes"' attribute indicates that the property is
16 initialized only on Windows.
17 -->
18 <properties>
19 <!--property name="applicationName" value="eVaf" /-->
20 <!--property name="os" windowsonly="yes" value="Windows" /-->
21 <!--property name="os" linuxonly="yes" value="Linux" /-->
22 </properties>
24 <!-- List of Qt plugins that the application should load.
26 Qt plugins are usually loaded automatically and providing their names here is
27 not necessary. If we need to load them manually, for example, in case they are
28 not located where Qt expects them to be, we can use this section to list them.
30 Every Qt plugin is defined as a separate <plugin> node with the 'filename' attribute.
31 The file name is relative to the directory returned by the eVaf::Common::iApp::qtPluginsDir()
32 function. File names should be given without OS-specific prefixes, Qt version numbers and
33 file extensions.
35 For example, is the Qt plugin name on Linux for debug builds is 'libqsqlite.so.debug', then the
36 proper name here is 'sqlite'. This way the same XML file can be used on Windows, where it would
37 expand to 'qsqlited4.dll' for debug builds and 'qsqlite4.dll' for release builds.
39 The 'linuxonly="yes"' attribute indicates that the Qt plugin is loaded only on Linux.
40 The 'windowsonly="yes"' attribute indicates that the Qt plugin is loaded only on Windows.
41 -->
42 <qtplugins>
43 <!--plugin filename="sqlite" /-->
44 <!--plugin filename="gif" /-->
45 <!--plugin filename="jpeg" /-->
46 </qtplugins>
48 <!-- List of eVaf plugins that the application should load.
50 This section defines the eVaf application by specifying a number of modules that the
51 application should load. Modules are loaded and initialized in the exact order given here.
53 The <plugins> section can have the following attributes:
54 * 'linuxonly' - if "yes", then the section read only on Linux;
55 * 'windowsonly' - if "yes", then the section is read only on Windows.
57 Every eVaf plugin is defined as a separate <plugin> node with the following attributes:
58 * 'name' - optional name of the module;
59 * 'filename' - name of the plugin file relative to the directory returned by the eVaf::Common::iApp::binDir()
60 function. The name should not include OS-specific prefixes nor file extensions. For exmaple, if the plugin
61 file name on Linux is libSdiWindow.so, then the proper name here is 'SdiWindow';
62 * 'linuxonly' - if "yes", then the module is loaded only on Linux;
63 * 'windowsonly' - if "yes", then the module is loaded only on Windows.
64 -->
65 <plugins>
66 <!-- plugin name="SDIWindow" filename="SdiWindow" /-->
67 </plugins>
69 </eVaf>