# Name of the target set(TARGET eVafGUI) # Include files include_directories(${eVaf_INCLUDE}) # Required eVaf libraries set(eVaf_LIBRARIES CommonLib PluginsLib) # Source files set(SRCS main.cpp exithandler.cpp fatalerr.cpp #version.cpp ) if(WIN32) set(SRCS ${SRCS} winconsole.cpp ) endif(WIN32) # Header files for the meta-object compiler set(MOC_HDRS main.h fatalerr.h #version_p.h ) # Resources set(RCCS gui.qrc ) # Version info resource file for Windows builds if(WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) set(SRCS ${SRCS} version.rc gui.rc) endif(WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) qt5_add_resources(RCC_SRCS ${RCCS}) qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SRCS ${MOC_HDRS}) add_executable(${TARGET} WIN32 ${SRCS} ${MOC_SRCS} ${RCC_SRCS}) qt5_use_modules(${TARGET} Core Widgets) target_link_libraries(${TARGET} ${eVaf_LIBRARIES}) install(TARGETS ${TARGET} DESTINATION bin)