/** * @file Common/env.cpp * @brief iEnv interface implementation * @author Enar Vaikene * * Copyright (c) 2011 Enar Vaikene * * This file is part of the eVaf C++ cross-platform application development framework. * * This file can be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in * the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the * the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version * 3.0 requirements will be met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * * Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the Commercial License * Agreement provided with the Software. */ #include "env.h" #include "iregistry.h" #include "globals.h" #include "version.h" #include "iapp.h" #include //------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace eVaf::Common; iEnv * iEnv::instance() { static eVaf::Common::Internal::Env singleton; return &singleton; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace eVaf::Common::Internal; Env::Env() : iEnv() { setObjectName(QString("%1-iEnv").arg(VER_MODULE_NAME_STR)); } Env::~Env() { } bool Env::init() { // Register out interface iRegistry::instance()->registerInterface("iEnv", this); // Set initial bin and root directories mRootDir = mBinDir = qApp->applicationDirPath(); int t = mBinDir.lastIndexOf(QChar('/'), -1); if (t >= 0) mRootDir = mBinDir.left(t); if (!mBinDir.endsWith('/')) mBinDir.append('/'); if (!mRootDir.endsWith('/')) mRootDir.append('/'); // Clear other directories mDataRootDir.clear(); mQtPluginsDir.clear(); mEtcDir.clear(); mLogDir.clear(); mDocDir.clear(); // Set the data root directory #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX QString dataLoc = QDir::homePath(); if (!dataLoc.endsWith('/')) dataLoc.append('/'); dataLoc.append(".local/share/data/"); mDataRootDir = dataLoc + iApp::instance()->name(); if (!mDataRootDir.endsWith('/')) mDataRootDir.append('/'); #endif /// @TODO: Needs local data directory on Windows // Process the environment QStringList env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().toStringList(); int sz = env.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { // Get the name/value pair QString name = env.at(i).section('=', 0, 0).trimmed(); QString value = env.at(i).section('=', 1).trimmed(); if (name == "EVAF_ROOT_DIR") { mRootDir = value; if (!mRootDir.endsWith('/')) mRootDir.append('/'); } else if (name == "EVAF_DATA_ROOT_DIR") { mDataRootDir = value; if (!mDataRootDir.endsWith('/')) mDataRootDir.append('/'); } else if (name == "EVAF_ETC_DIR") { mEtcDir = value; if (!mEtcDir.endsWith('/')) mEtcDir.append('/'); } else if (name == "EVAF_LOG_DIR") { mLogDir = value; if (!mLogDir.endsWith('/')) mLogDir.append('/'); } else if (name == "EVAF_DOC_DIR") { mDocDir = value; if (!mDocDir.endsWith('/')) mDocDir.append('/'); } else if (name == "EVAF_QT_PLUGINS_DIR") { mQtPluginsDir = value; if (!mQtPluginsDir.endsWith('/')) mQtPluginsDir.append('/'); } } // Then process comman-line arguments env = QCoreApplication::arguments(); sz = env.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { // Get the name and optional value QStringList arg = env.at(i).simplified().split(QChar('=')); if (QRegExp("-[-]?root(dir)?").exactMatch(arg.at(0)) && arg.size() > 1) { mRootDir = arg.at(1); if (!mRootDir.endsWith('/')) mRootDir.append('/'); } else if (QRegExp("-[-]?dataroot(dir)?").exactMatch(arg.at(0)) && arg.size() > 1) { mDataRootDir = arg.at(1); if (!mDataRootDir.endsWith('/')) mDataRootDir.append('/'); } else if (QRegExp("-[-]?etc(dir)?").exactMatch(arg.at(0)) && arg.size() > 1) { mEtcDir = arg.at(1); if (!mEtcDir.endsWith('/')) mEtcDir.append('/'); } else if (QRegExp("-[-]?log(dir)?").exactMatch(arg.at(0)) && arg.size() > 1) { mLogDir = arg.at(1); if (!mLogDir.endsWith('/')) mLogDir.append('/'); } else if (QRegExp("-[-]?doc(dir)?").exactMatch(arg.at(0)) && arg.size() > 1) { mDocDir = arg.at(1); if (!mDocDir.endsWith('/')) mDocDir.append('/'); } else if (QRegExp("-[-]?qtplugins(dir)?").exactMatch(arg.at(0)) && arg.size() > 1) { mQtPluginsDir = arg.at(1); if (!mQtPluginsDir.endsWith('/')) mQtPluginsDir.append('/'); } } return true; } QString const Env::dataRootDir() const { // Fall-back to the application's root directory if the data root directory is empty if (mDataRootDir.isEmpty()) mDataRootDir = rootDir(); return mDataRootDir; } QString const Env::etcDir() const { if (mEtcDir.isEmpty()) mEtcDir = dataRootDir() + "etc/"; return mEtcDir; } QString const Env::logDir() const { if (mLogDir.isEmpty()) mLogDir = dataRootDir() + "log/"; return mLogDir; } QString const Env::docDir() const { if (mDocDir.isEmpty()) mDocDir = rootDir() + "doc/"; return mDocDir; } QString const Env::qtPluginsDir() const { if (mQtPluginsDir.isEmpty()) mQtPluginsDir = binDir(); return mQtPluginsDir; }